It is usually important to take the full dose to get the full effect. Some medicines must also be taken in particular ways – for example, at particular times of day, on an empty stomach, or with or after food. If your lifestyle makes it difficult to for you to do this, try discussing it with your doctor. It may be that some compromise or alteration in the dose is possible. For example, if you are taking 5-ASAs you may be able to change to taking the full dose just once a day, which some people find easier. It is also worth talking to your doctor and/or your IBD nurse about any other worries you have about the amount of medicine you are taking, or concerns about side effects. It may be that they can reassure you, or again, suggest changes that you find helpful.

There may be other options such as different size doses as mentioned. Or it may be that a change in brand or form of drug would suit you better. With some drugs just taking them at a different time of day can make a difference, for example, taking steroids before 11am can help reduce side effects because this follows the natural rhythm of steroids in the body.

You may be feeling that as someone who has lived with an ongoing medical condition for some time, perhaps years, you are now quite an expert on what works for you. And, as a result, you may feel you would like to take a more active part in your treatment and be able to adjust your own medication when your symptoms begin to get worse or better. If so, discuss this with your doctor or IBD specialists. You may find that they are happy to include this idea in a plan around what to do in the event of a flare-up.
