Vaccination guide for patients with IBD

Objective: Reduce risk of developing vaccine-preventable illnesses
Patient populationIndividuals diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease

IBD Provider:

  • Ensure all IBD patients undergo annual vaccination against influenza. Patients on immunosuppressive therapies and their household contacts should receive the inactivated influenza vaccine, not the live inhaled vaccine.
  • It is important to review patient's vaccination and travel history at every appointment and especially when a patient is planning or on immunosuppressive therapy such as: corticosteroids, biologics and thiopurines.
  • Family members in close contact with immunosuppressed patients should be vaccinated to help prevent disease transmission.


  • Live vaccines (Table 1) are contraindicated in patients who are on immunosuppressants (methotrexate, azathiopurine, steroids, anti-TNFs, ustekinumab, vedolizumab, tofacitinib) and significant protein-calorie malnutrition due to concern that vaccination may result in disease.
  • Suggested time intervals to allow for immune system recovery are: (i) 4-6 weeks between last dose and initiation of immune suppression. (ii) 3 months (1 month for high dose steroids) from discontinuation of biologic or immunosuppressive therapy and vaccination.
  • Patients who may require live vaccines due to work or travel (Table 2) should be warned prior to starting anti-TNF therapy to update their vaccinations.

  • Live vaccines are safe to give family members, with the possible exception of rotavirus and varicella (chickenpox) vaccines (Table 4)

  • Blood products of human origin can interfere with the immune response to live vaccines


  • Inactivated vaccines (Table 3) are safe in immunosuppressed patients, but patients on immunosuppressive therapy may have suboptimal response to vaccination.
  • Suggested time intervals to allow for best response to vaccine are: (i) At least 2 weeks, preferably 3-4 weeks between vaccine and initiation of immunosuppressant. (ii) ≥ 3 months between discontinuing immunosuppressant and vaccine (this interval may vary with the type and intensity of treatment, underlying disease, or urgency of vaccination if vaccines are needed for post-exposure or outbreak management).
  • If vaccines are administered during immunosuppression, attempt to give them when the next 2 weeks represent the least.
Table 1 Live vaccines and their indications

Table 2 Travel vaccines

Table 3 Inactivated vaccines

Table 4 Vaccination of family members
  • If vaccination with MMR or varicella is indicated and there are no contraindications, the recommended minimal intervals between blood products or immune globulin and vaccination are:

    - Reconstituted RBCs: 3 months
    - Washed RBCs: No delay necessary
    - Intravenous Immune Globulin (400 mg/kg): 8 months

Other Resources:

CANIBD Vaccination guide

RED BOOK: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases

Canadian immunization schedule

Immunization Record for Children

Immunization Record for Adults

Travel vaccinations


Mir, F. et al. Health maintenance in inflammatory bowel disease. Curr Gastroenterol Reports 2018; 20(23): 22-28

Farraye, F.A. et al. ACG Clinical Guideline: Preventive care in inflammatory bowel disease. Am J of Gastroenterol 2017; 112:241-258

Lopez, A., et al. Vaccination recommendations for the adult immunosuppressed patient: A systematic review and comprehensive field synopsis. J of Autoimmunity 2017; 80:10-27

Long, M. et al. Immunizations in pediatric and adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A practical case-based approach. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2015; 21:1993-2003

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